sekadar pengkongsian..
1. Tomb of the Unknown Soldier
Soldiers weather hurricane conditions at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

The moving photo purporting to show soldiers standing guard at the Arlington National Cemetery monument during Hurricane Sandy quickly spread on the social web. But the Old Guard pointed out that the photo was actually a shot taken in September.
On Facebook, the group shared a real image taken during the early hours of the storm.

Images courtesy of U.S. Army
2. Statue of Liberty Waves
Is Lady Liberty about to float away?

Not exactly — the above image is a wallpaper from the film The Day After Tomorrow.

3. Clouds Over Manhattan
Sinister clouds could swallow up the Empire State Building.

Image courtesy of istwitterwrong
Sort of true — only it happened more than a year ago. The original appeared on the Wall Street Journal in 2011.

Image courtesy of istwitterwrong
4. Clouds Over Lady Liberty
The Statue of Liberty once again looks to be in danger.

The striking image is a Photoshop job, combining a photo of the New York harbor with a 2004 shot taken by photographer Mike Hollingshead.
5. Storm Over George Washington Bridge
Ominous clouds rolling in over the George Washington Bridge look hurricane-level frightening.

Image courtesy of istwitterwrong
Scary, but actually a Getty stock photo from 2009.
6. Flooded McDonald’s
Virginia Beach could face a McNugget shortage.

Don’t worry — Ronald McDonald is safe. The above photo is from a 2009 art installation.
7. Shark Swims Through Streets of New Jersey
As if flooding weren’t scary enough, according to Twitter, you also have to worry about sharks.

Well, not so much. The rogue shark photo seems to pop up every time a major weather event happens, including in 2011 during Hurricane Irene.
1. Tomb of the Unknown Soldier
Soldiers weather hurricane conditions at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

The moving photo purporting to show soldiers standing guard at the Arlington National Cemetery monument during Hurricane Sandy quickly spread on the social web. But the Old Guard pointed out that the photo was actually a shot taken in September.
On Facebook, the group shared a real image taken during the early hours of the storm.

Images courtesy of U.S. Army
2. Statue of Liberty Waves
Is Lady Liberty about to float away?

Not exactly — the above image is a wallpaper from the film The Day After Tomorrow.

3. Clouds Over Manhattan
Sinister clouds could swallow up the Empire State Building.

Image courtesy of istwitterwrong
Sort of true — only it happened more than a year ago. The original appeared on the Wall Street Journal in 2011.

Image courtesy of istwitterwrong
4. Clouds Over Lady Liberty
The Statue of Liberty once again looks to be in danger.

The striking image is a Photoshop job, combining a photo of the New York harbor with a 2004 shot taken by photographer Mike Hollingshead.
5. Storm Over George Washington Bridge
Ominous clouds rolling in over the George Washington Bridge look hurricane-level frightening.

Image courtesy of istwitterwrong
Scary, but actually a Getty stock photo from 2009.
6. Flooded McDonald’s
Virginia Beach could face a McNugget shortage.

Don’t worry — Ronald McDonald is safe. The above photo is from a 2009 art installation.
7. Shark Swims Through Streets of New Jersey
As if flooding weren’t scary enough, according to Twitter, you also have to worry about sharks.

Well, not so much. The rogue shark photo seems to pop up every time a major weather event happens, including in 2011 during Hurricane Irene.
alahai..mcm2 hal la dorg ni. bencana dh Allah turunkan pun msh nak buat pembohongan lg kot. jgn la buat2 main benda2 mcmni. jadi betul2 yg lbh dahsyat baru tau kan. huhuhu
nasib fake je..haha..gerun gak kalau bebetul..
huhu, hal-hal kecil diperbesarkan oleh segolongan masyarakat
waaa.. rajin beno selidik.. nak jadi penyiasat ek ? hihih
seronok mereka menipu ek?
nih la bahananya kalo dah terlebih bijak.....ALLAHdah beri peringatan pun masih nak buat main2
Biasa la amerika ni..dah kena masih kata semua dalam keadaan terkawal..nak menipu jer..hhmm bala Allah tu...semoga kita juga sentiasa beringat ...
main2 plak
Tak abih2 fake fake fake..always FAKE!
Klik n cubit manja kat sini..
biasalah tu nak buat konspirasi..