Tak de orang melihat air mata kita
Tapi Allah tahu setiap titisan yang jatuh ke bumi

Biarkan air mata tu,andai ia kunci kekuatan jiwa.
Moga Allah tiupkan kekuatan pada kita.
How are you?
Alhamdulillah, I am all good ^_^.
I have told some people about this, my close friends and I tweeted too. I am sorry kalau korang macam terpaksa dengar sekali lagi kalau korang terbace post ini. Bagi orang yang dah pernah dengar, sebelum korang sambung, better stop sampai sini.
I have always like this one lecturer ini. Dia pernah ajar sekali dua masa second year and also in 4th year too. Although, he looks serious but I kinda like attending his lecture cause dalam lecture, he would explain properly about what he has stated in the lecture notes.
Some things he did that impressed me a lot are:
1. He as a Rheumatology Consultant, made a tea and pass it to his Senior House Officer. So far, tak pernah langsung jumpa Consultant buat tea untuk orang bawahan dia.Memang masa itu rasa like, "Wow! His values."
2. He developed a very good rapport with the patients. Dia siap tahu few words in Urdu sebab mostly patient sini from Pakistan, India, Benggoli. I was like, waa, he bothered to know some words in that language.
3. In clinic, he insisted to walk and call up the patients names by himself where else I do not mind at all doing that for him. Dia cakap, "You sit and let me do it". Some other doctors lagi happy if I m doing all those things but with him, no. Dia tak mahu susahkan orang.
4. He was drinking a tea in front of me and felt so bad without making me one. So he went to the kitchen to make me one. Time itu rasa masyaAllah.
Akhlak dia sangat baik tapi sayang dia bukan Islam, dia tak lakukan kerana Allah. And time itu rasa macam, mat saleh belajar good manners from ethics, kita orang Islam, punya Rasulullah, contoh tauladan terbaik and punya akhlak Al-Quran, siap belajar dari sekolah agama pun kita gagal nak punya akhlak yang baik. :(
Anyway, then after my very last clinic, he said to me that he wants to make me as his mentee to make sure I will do well in medical school. Time itu rasa macam yeay alhamdulillah. hehe. Sukelah kann bila your favourite consultant cakap macam itu.
Then, yesterday, Emy texted me telling that this Consultant asked Emy if she knows me.*Emy is on her rheumatology rotation under him. He also said to Emy that I reminded him to his child and dia rasa nak adopt me jadi daughter dia je. Bila Emy told me that, terjawaplah segalanya. Patutlah.
No wonder he treated me so well, I seriously feel like being treated as his own daughter. Haha! Sorry. I am just being excited.
Saya berdoa and sangat berharap sekiranya dikurniakan kudrat, kekuatan dan kesempatan, I want to get to know him better and berharap sangat sekiranya Allah memberikan saya peluang untuk mengenalkan dirinya kepada Islam. InsyaAllah. Doakan semua please?.
Amin ya Rabbal Alammen.
Tapi insyaAllah apa apa yang terjadi pasti ada hikmahnya. insyaAllah. :) Yakin !. Allah Maha Mengetahui.
Also, marilah kita sama sama mempertingkatkan Akhlak masing masing kerana Allah.insyaAllah! :)
Tapi insyaAllah apa apa yang terjadi pasti ada hikmahnya. insyaAllah. :) Yakin !. Allah Maha Mengetahui.
Also, marilah kita sama sama mempertingkatkan Akhlak masing masing kerana Allah.insyaAllah! :)
Notakaki- OH! Aku bukan budak skema.