Assalamu’alaikum Warohmatullohi Wabarakatuhu...
Bismillaahirrohmaanirrohiim ....
No Body can take away ur pain..so dont let anyone take away ur happiness...
1. Choose to be the best YOU can be.
2. Choose to be around the right people
3. Choose to focus on what you have, not on what you haven’t.
4. Choose a good attitude.
insya allah khair...
how good is good?
"I want to be a better muslim / muslimah this year, inshaAllah".
If this is what your new year's resolution sounds like, I guess we're gonna need to improvise on that.
I love reading zenhabit and some other productivity blogs. And so often they talk about starting small, and be consistent with it. This year, I learnt that another good idea about changes, instead of setting goals, why not create habits.
Goals are temporary, habits are going to last.
So, list down some habits you want to instill in yourself and work on it! Try a month, you will feel the empowering feeling of being in control of yourself when you succeed. Remember, always start small :-) or you'll burn out quickly. Starting small, and being consistent - sounds familiar?
Daripada Aisyah r.ha., Nabi s.a.w. bersabda: "Wahai manusia lakukanlah amalan mengikut keupayaan kamu. Sesungguhnya Allah tidak jemu sehinggalah kamu jemu. Amalan yang paling Allah sukai ialah amalan yang berterusan walaupun sedikit."
(Riwayat al-Bukhari dan Muslim)
That day will come when you get to scratch them off the list, you've accomplish it and it's going to stay with you forever. Nice, huh? And another wrong thing about the above mentioned phrase is that it's not measurable. How good is good? How much better is actually "better" for you? Let's be more accurate, because only when you have measures you can tell if you have succeeded or not in achieving your target. So, instead of saying I wanna be a better person, list down what you mean by "better"?. Anyway, I'm sure you get my point kan.
Whatever your plan is, I wish you all the best, may this be a great start for us all. And here's something for those who find themselves easily distracted, cheers!
O Allah, your the greatest and the supreme master..You know what is best for us all and know what going to happen...O Allah, Please safeguard us all from temptations and sins from which Iblis (devil) continue attack us.
O Allah, Please Bless every parent with Great health and many many many Good things in their lifetime. O Allah, please give us patience so our parents will be happy with us.
O Allah, Bless those who read this and Bless those who haven't read this yet..Bless everyone with many many good things.
Ameen Yarabbal Alamin...
