plisss cakna isu ummah!-HUKUM HUNGER STRIKES DI PALESTIN:

plisss cakna isu ummah!


Mogok lapar mungkin satu-satunya pilihan yang ada pada mereka di sana.

Prof Dr. Yusuf al Qaradhawi ada menjelaskan hukum mogok lapar ketika menjawab satu soalan yang diajukan kepadanya mengenai hukum mogok lapar oleh tahanan ummat Islam di dalam penjara Israel . al Qaradhawi menjawab :

Mereka adalah pejuang keadilan! Mogok (lapar) adalah hak mereka yang telah diiktiraf yang bertujuan untuk membongkar segala bentuk kezaliman dan kejahatan yang dilakukan ke atas mereka!!!

Oleh itu menjadi kewajipan ke atas setiap orang Islam untuk memberikan sokongan padu kepada mereka mengikut kemampuan masing-masing samada secara sokongan aman, demontrasi atau sokongan moral termasuklah secara mogok lapar! atau menghantar telegram dan mengeluarkan kenyataan rasmi untuk merasakan dan menzahirkan bahawa kita adalah senantiasa bersama-sama dengan mereka!!!

*mereka terseksa setiap saat, dan boleh mati bila-bila masa sahaja, ada yang telah turun 30 kg, bleeding di beberapa bahagian di tubuh, dan gigi pun luruh, sama-sama kita banyakkan taubat & berdoa untuk ikhwah kita di sana, tolong sebarkan..

Ya Allah..sungguh kagum..sampai kurus!

gambar tahanan Palestin selepas 135 hari mogok lapar...
credit to harimau malaya

Alhamdulellah , after the great solidarity of millions of people with the Palestinian prisoniers , their hunger strike succeed and "israel" accepted their demands

Thank you everybody who changed his profile picture as a solidarity with them because israel was surprised to see more than 2 millions and 250000 persons changed their profile pictures in only few hours last night as a solidarity with Palestinian prisoniers.

Also thank you everybody who protested supporting them , at least we did something to Palestine ..

Now people are so happy in Palestine and they are celebrating this small victory .Alhamdulellah , the hunger strike is over and the prisoniers got what they wanted !! alhamdulellah ! alhamdulellah ! alhamdulellah !

For those who did not show solidarity , may Allah give you another chance to do something to Palestine ameen

(This picture show some palestinian mothers happy and celebrating this small victory )

note:Alhamdulillah its very happy to hear the message of Palestine but every credit to free Palestine was from thank Allah for everything and follow his commands..............i suggest people of this world to submit their wils to god bcz when people can't bear the pain of this world then there is no chance to bear the pain of akiraat so plz pray to Allah that each n every human being follow commands of Allah and enter jannah after this life...

ameen yarabbal alamin....

Syukran jiddan ..sudi baca entry nie

1 comment

15 Mei 2012 pada 9:27 PG

apa yg diminta? x tau

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