Pastukan ada kita orang kongsi pasal Cinta Senyap nih..Means that kita pendam je perasaan kita kat seseorang tuh..dan tak pernah gtau sesesiapa pun...Hanya Allah dan kita je tahu..pastu kan...Ada sorang akak nih cerita dah 6 tahun pendam perasaan dia kat sorang ArRijal nih..tak pernah sesiapa pun tahu..dan kesakitan memendam perasaan ini amatlah tinggi..korang pernah tengok cite sungkyuwan Scandals dan you're beautiful tuh...tengok betapa sakit nya perempuan tuh pendam perasaan kat lelaki tuh..nak cakap kesakitan tuh tak dapat bayangkan oleh kata-kata....even akak tuh tak pernah jumpa lelaki tuh almost 6 years tapi perasaan tu tetap ada..she doesnt even know what happen to him..and what she can do is Doa' yes Berdoa..its doesnt necessarily kita kena sebut nama dia..but berdoa "andai dia terbaik untukku maka permudahkan lah Ya Allah dan satukanlah dia dan ana when that time comes...
Bila Waktu itu tiba..ana tidak mahu sekarang..Ana tidak mahu cinta itu membuat ana lalai dalam pelajaran dan lalai dari mengingatiMu sebagai Kekasih Hatiku"..
You know what,even sekarang kita dah patut berdoa untuk bakal spouse kita..its not wrong at all..sebab kita bukan nya tahu pun sape bakal pasangan kita..tapi kita mintak dan berdoa kepada Allah sebab He knows Better things for us and yet He already plan something on us...Doalah moga si dia ditetapkan Iman..dan berada dalam kalangan orang yang soleh-solehah..Ok

Hmm...nak cakap orang yang tak pernah berkapel and his or her zauj tend to be the first man or woman for them is really lucky..did you know why? because their love is just for you..dan probability kita tidak akan compare pasangan kita sekarang dengan pasangan sebelumnya..dan sama-sama menuju redha Illahi.
so jangan la jelaous ke ape ke..once ada sahabat kita kahwin..atau kawan kita kapel..but yakinlah saat tu akan tiba..dan kita harus bersedia untuk itu....with what? Tengok balik diri kita..Solat Macam mana...Mathurat macam mana..pergaulan macam mana..etc and if you want to restrain yourself from this thing..banyakkan hadir majlis ilmu...puasa..dan sibukkan diri dengan benda2 berfaedah

You know what,even sekarang kita dah patut berdoa untuk bakal spouse kita..its not wrong at all..sebab kita bukan nya tahu pun sape bakal pasangan kita..tapi kita mintak dan berdoa kepada Allah sebab He knows Better things for us and yet He already plan something on us...Doalah moga si dia ditetapkan Iman..dan berada dalam kalangan orang yang soleh-solehah..Ok

Hmm...nak cakap orang yang tak pernah berkapel and his or her zauj tend to be the first man or woman for them is really lucky..did you know why? because their love is just for you..dan probability kita tidak akan compare pasangan kita sekarang dengan pasangan sebelumnya..dan sama-sama menuju redha Illahi.
Sweet tak? >____<
so jangan la jelaous ke ape ke..once ada sahabat kita kahwin..atau kawan kita kapel..but yakinlah saat tu akan tiba..dan kita harus bersedia untuk itu....with what? Tengok balik diri kita..Solat Macam mana...Mathurat macam mana..pergaulan macam mana..etc and if you want to restrain yourself from this thing..banyakkan hadir majlis ilmu...puasa..dan sibukkan diri dengan benda2 berfaedah

#Some nice things to be ponder
mom's advice.
Mom: You shouldn't have told him you loved him.
Me: But, I did love him...
Mom: Yeah, but you loved him too much. You never let a guy know you love him more than anything. Because then they won't care if they hurt you, because they know you love him. They know you're not gonna do anything about it. Once they know they have control over you, they start using it against you and take you for granted. He won't care what he does to you, because he knows you care enough to stay with him no matter what he puts you through.
Me: But, what if you love someone enough that you WOULD do anything for him?
Mom: You need to stop that. I taught you to be stronger than this. You don't NEED any guy. Where's your independence? You let people take advantage of you so much, what's wrong with you? You need to be bigger than that. The next guy, don't let him hurt you. If he pushes you over, you push him out on the street. My daughter doesn't deserve that.
if he really loves you, he wouldn’t ask to you to do something you know is wrong. no guy will ever be worth disobeying allah. don’t ever give any man the one precious thing that was meant for only your husband. he’s out there somewhere. waiting for you. waiting to be yours forever, to protect you from the ugliness of the world. don’t you want to save all of you for just him? the one who will love you till the end of time? the one who you’ll be reunited with in jannah? don’t let the pleasure of one moment with some guy ruin the happiness of an eternity with the man that allah has chosen for you. even if you don’t think so, i know you’re better than that.
BANGGA ke dapat bagi tahu dan cerita kat seluruh dunia apa yang anda buat dengan kekasih anda (belum kawin)?BANGGA ke dapat upload gambar berduaan, berpimpin tangan, peluk cium dengan kekasih anda?BANGGA ke bila orang ramai melihat anda dan kekasih bermadu asmara, bercinta dan menunjukkan kasih sayang walhal anda belum menikah?
Tanya pada diri sendri: “Aku bangga dengan maksiat di dunia, tapi mampukah aku menahan siksa api neraka oleh kerana maksiat ini?”
"cinta itu, perlu dipandu dengan keimanan.
sebab itu, kita bukan pilih suami/isteri hanya kerana wajah, harta, juga kebaikan mereka kepada kita. tetapi kita lihat bagaimana usaha meraka dalam mentaati allah swt, usaha untuk memahami agamanya dan sunnah rasulnya.
kalau ‘terjatuh cinta’ pun, kita kena banyak muhasabah dan melihat semula. apakah benar ingin meneruskannya? atau kita tekan butang ‘pause’ dan mula laksanakan muhasabah, pemeriksaan. ikut perasaan, atau ikut panduan keimanan?"
Falling in love with the Lord is the greatest romance, searching for Him is the greatest adventure, finding Him is the greatest achievement, and being with Him is the greatest source of happiness. Allahu Akbar. ♥
Don’t be too hurry in love, find A companion who can guide you not only in Dunya, but in akhirah. Who can pick you up when you fall, who can remind you when you forget, love you with all his might, someone that will hold your hands through thick and thin & lead you to the Jannah.
Smilewe're too beautiful to frown
Which is; when he suddenly comes up to your wali, and when its halal after nikah;). Not by unlawfully touching you here an there esp your heart. Cuz why taint something so beautiful and pure when we dont have the rights to. Do you think we’ll get Allahs blessing by doing so?
wa akhiron,
"Stop looking for love, let it find you. Usually, when you look for it, you find it in all the wrong places & the wrong people. That’s why you have all of those failed relationship attempts, that’s why you always have your heart broken. When you least expect it, love will find you & it’s gonna feel amazing ‘cause this time, you didn’t try to find someone, someone found you"
When you want to ask Allah swt for a spouse,forthesakeofallah:
don’t ask Him for a specific person. Don’t say, “Oh Allah, please grant me so and so as my spouse.Instead, ask Allah swt to give you someone who will bring you closer to Him.
Someone who’s going to be good for your deen both in this dunya and the akhira.
Ask Allah swt for someone who best fits you.I know we probably have all had feelings for a certain person that we feel like we have to have. Saying things like, “I’d do anything to be with them, I have to have them and I will make things work” But that’s entirely wrong.
Because that one person who we have so much feelings for, someone we’re willing to do anything for, could be the worst person for us.
If Allah swt has it written that things won’t work out, they never will. No matter how much you’re willing to sacrifice for it to work, it won’t, khalas.The most unexpected person could be the one that will treat you the best, help you make your imaan rise, and someone who will be there for you forever.
Now, which one do you want?
Don’t you want a happy marriage?
One that Allah swt will be pleased with?
Or do you want to be stubborn and marry someone who you thought would be good for you, but in the end turns out to be someone who you can’t continue a healthy relationship with?
Let’s not forget that Allah swt knows what’s best for us.
o that one person who you have feelings for could be that one that Allah knows is best for you.
Or that person could be someone else.
Let’s wait and see.
May Allah swt give us all patience and grant every single one of us what’s best for us.
"And among His signs is this, that He created for you mates from among yourselves, that you may dwell in peace and tranquility with them, and He has put love and mercy between your (hearts): Verily in that are signs for those who reflect" (Quran 30:21).
"O Humans revere your Guardian Lord, Who created you from a single person created of like nature its mate, and from this scattered (like seeds) countless men and women. Reverence Allah through Whom you claim your mutual rights" (Quran 4:1).
[13:23] Gardens of perpetual bliss: they shall enter there, as well as the righteous among their fathers, their spouses, and their offspring: and angels shall enter unto them from every gate (with the salutation): 13:24 "Peace unto you for that ye persevered in patience! Now how excellent is the final home!"
Jodoh Itu Rahsia ALLAH, Sweet Kan ALLAH, DIA Nak Bagi Kejutan Dekat Kita.. -
SEKUAT mana kita SETIA...
SEJAUH mana kita MENUNGGU...
Jika ALLAH Tidak Menulis Jodoh Kita Bersama..Kita Tetap Tidak Akan Bersama..Tiada Yang Kebetulan Melainkan Semuanya Telah Dirancang..Dan Sebaik Baik Yang Merancang Itu Adalah ALLAH s.w.t., Maha Perancang Segalanya
Selamat MengIbrahkan diri
Salam! Moga Allah Redha ...
성균관 스캔들 Sungkyunkwan Scandal
Wsalam.. membace tajuk and tertarik nak bace (huhuhu semue sbb cerite Korea SKKS) ...
Thanks for the reminder , Yes A Reminder to know whose my spose later and why is the purpose to find him ... And can I quote this and put it to my fb wall.. TQ in advance - >
"Stop looking for love, let it find you. Usually, when you look for it, you find it in all the wrong places & the wrong people. That’s why you have all of those failed relationship attempts, that’s why you always have your heart broken. When you least expect it, love will find you & it’s gonna feel amazing ‘cause this time, you didn’t try to find someone, someone found you"
:) silekan share..
best cite nie btw.. termotivasi dibuatnya... :)
nice entry... tq sy rasa saya dah sedar