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Adalah lebih efektif kita mengubat PUNCA penyakit berbanding SIMPTOM penyakit.

Jika tak mahu demam, adalah lebih baik hindari hujan berbanding menelan ubat selepas terkena demam.

Menghalang penyebaran Bible itu cuma sindrom, bukan ianya tidak penting namun yg lebih penting adalah mengatasi puncanya;

Penerapan nilai Islam yg syumul kepada Muslim!

Saya mahu menunjukkan bagaimana Bible boleh menyesatkan & barangkali boleh menjadi manfaat. Ia bergantung kepada siapa yg membacanya:

1. Pembacanya seorang yg berilmu
2. Pembacanya seorang yg jahil

Pembacaan orang yg berilmu mungkin akan disertakan dengan kajian & pasti akan terus menambah pengetahuannya sekalipun bacaannya adalah Bible.

Pembacaan orang jahil sekalipun ianya Al-Quran mungkin boleh menyesatkan dirinya kerana bacaannya tanpa diiringi ilmu atas kejahilan dirinya.

Ada orang mendapat hidayah melalui Bible, ada orang Al-Quran sudah terbentang di depan mata namun masih mengkufurinya.

Saya tidak mengajak anda untuk mengimani Bible, untuk tidak sesat bukanlah dengan menyalahkan Bible, tetapi harus melihat sejauh mana keimanan kita kepada Allah melalui Al-Quran.


Cuba baca artikel ini, mission CHURCH OF GOD WORLD MISSION untuk Malay people in Malaysia... 

The Malay People in Malaysia

The Malay People in MalaysiaPrintE-mail
 The People...
The largest ethnic group in Malaysia, accounting for more than half of the total population today, is the Malays. Its origins can be traced back to Yunnan China through the Proto-Malays and Deutero-Malays, which belong to the broader-based Malayo-Polynesian group of races. Although found throughout Southeast Asia, the majority of ethnic Malays live in Malaysia. Malaysia has one of the fastest growing economies in the world, but most of the Malay still live in rural villages called kampungs. They work as farmers and fisherman who struggle to earn a living. Health care, clean water, electricity, education, transportation, and communication are all inadequate.
Even in Kuala Lumpur, the capital, many Malays live in reserved sections which maintain much of the traditional characteristics of the kampung. The houses in traditional villages are built on pilings four to eight feet off the ground and have thatched roofs. The more wealthy Rural Malay have houses with tiled roofs and wooden planks for floors. A growing percentage of the Malays of Malaysia live in attached urban and suburb an housing. Since their arrival, the cultures of the Malays have been shaped and reshaped through the many influences due largely to the strategic position for trade, resulting in variations in customs and social identities.

Religion and Beliefs...Perhaps the most significant influence that has served as a unifying and binding factor among the Malays is the religion of Islam. Today, almost all Malays in Malaysia are Muslims. However, though Islam has long been associated with the Malays, other beliefs, customs and rituals manifest in the arts, festivals and important ceremonies. Image 
 "To be Malay is to be Muslim"
Although Malaysia itself is home to many other religions, including Buddhism and Hinduism, it is against the law to evangelize a Muslim. And more than 99% of the ethnic Malay of Malaysia are Muslim. In fact, the Malaysian constitution states that to be a Malay, one must be Muslim. So religion is a major source of ethnic identity. The tight community life also makes it difficult for a Malay to become a Christian, because he or she would probably be forced to leave the village and family. Significant persecution is a reality for the handful of Malays who have entrusted their lives to Christ.

ImageA tiny number of Malays have become Christians , yet there is a small but strong and growing Chinese and Indian church. To this point, the church has not impacted the Malays with the Gospel. The Bible in the Bahasa Malaysia language is under revision, but it is available in Bahasa Indonesia, which is very similar to Malaysian. 

What you can do…
  • Adopt the Malay people.
  • Learn as much as possible about this group
  • Organize strategic prayer
  • Provide financial resources to train local leaders
  • Arrange short missions trips
...until there is a strong church established among the Malay people.
Prayer Points...
  • Take authority over spiritual powers that are keeping the Malay bound.
  • Ask the Lord to call people to share Christ with the Malay.
  • Pray that the Malaysian government will give the freedom to share the Gospel with their countrymen.
  • Pray for effectiveness of the Jesus film among the Malay.
  • Pray that God will reveal Himself to them through dreams and visions.
  • Pray that the doors of Malaysia will be opened to missionaries.
  • Ask God to give us creative ways to train Christians to reach the Malays.
  • Ask God to strengthen and encourage the believers among the Malays.
  • Ask God to raise up people to produce written materials and tools in Malay to reach the people.
  • Pray for God to raise up a strong local church among the Malay.
Informational PDFs
The information on this page is provided in PDF files below.

World Missions
Unreached People’s Profiles
provided by Church of God World Missions
PO Box 8016, Cleveland, TN 37320-8016


p/s- Saya akui masih menyimpan versi Al-kitab bahasa melayu yang diberikan oleh seorang kenalan satu masa dahulu.Tujuan dia berikan hanyalah dengan satu niat supaya saya mudah mempelajari bible utk menjadi hujah ke atas mereka.

Allah sebaik-sebaik perancang.. seperti mana Abdullah bin ubai yg kononnya bersama-sama dgn perjuangan Rasullullah.. Tetapi Allah menunjukkan siapakah wajah sebenar Abdullah bin ubai.. Semoga kita dijauhkan watak seperti ini..

"Bersegeralah kepada keampunan dari Tuhanmu dan kepada syurga yang luasnya seluas langit dan bumi yang disediakan untuk orang-orang yang bertaqwa
(Surah Ali Imran:133)

"Wahai Tuhan kami! Sempurnakanlah bagi kami cahaya kami, dan limpahkanlah keampunan kepada kami"
(Surah At-Tahriim 66:8)

Jalan pulang sentiasa terbentang buat kita,
pilihan kita,mahu kembali atau terus membutakan mata hati.

Allah Maha Pengasih.

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