cinderellies... :)

I wish......

beza waktu Malaysia dan Mesir menjadi 6 jam. so bila kt sini 6 pagi, kt sana baru 12 midnite... k fain..


the happiest person tonight would be cinderella cuz she could have like two midnight. well, bukan semua orang pun happy ke? jadi soalannya adalah, jika cinderella ada 2 midnites, apekah dia akan bertindak bijak dgn berterus terang pada prince charming, atau cinderella akan terus syok dancing je dgn prince charming, lalu midnite kedua pun dtg menjemput dan cinderella terkocoh-kocoh lagi menuju labu-labunya meninggalkan prince charming terkapai-kapai lalu bersusah payah pula memusing kampung utk sesi fitting kasut. nonsense! manusia kan mmg macam tu. kita nak 2nd chance, tapi bila 2nd chance dtg, kadang2 kita terlepas pandang and let history repeats itself. cliche lah!

ok lah. itu cinderella. btw, ana bukan racist tp my favorite cinderella adelah yg brandy as cinderella and whoopi goldberg as fairygodmother dan some chinese hottie was the prince. (hah, hottie?) of all fairy tales ana suka Mulan, tapi english ana suka beauty and the beast. tapi ana suka beast instead of prince charming after sumpahan tu berakhir. SANGAT SANGAT SANGAT suka shrek hijau. =)

ok dah ..MERAPU !!...
tolonglah ana STRESS sangat,,,!! <--- IGNORE TIS..

jadi kepada cinderellies seme di luar sana, u choose lah. to make full use of your two midnites before ur carriage turns into pumpkin (oh, haritu ana mimpi serve gulai labu kat dining skolah or to miss it like u did the first one. jgn pulak ada yg tanya, "one, what do u mean by that?" semua org boleh jadi cinderella dan anything/anyone can be that precious prince charming....

adakah ana betul....??
please leave ur comment... :P
till then Kbai....


Fiona, Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella, Snow White, Rapunzel

2 ulasan:

  1. haha..nice one! my teachers always said 'fieqa u can't always hope 4 da 2nd chance" hoho

  2. hewhewhew..we r the same situation rite... :P

    alhamdulillah ... syukran ukhty jameelah. .. ukhwahfillah abadan abada... :)
